New: 15 Ways To Increase Your Sales on Shopify

John M DaThoreau -

15 Ways To Increase Sales on Shopify


Shopify is a great platform for building an online store, but it's up to you to make your ecommerce business thrive. In this post, I'll go over 15 ways that you can increase sales on Shopify and set yourself up for success.

1. Uncover your value proposition

The first step in increasing your sales is to uncover your value proposition.

Value proposition is a simple concept: it's the reason why customers should buy from you instead of the competition, and it's usually expressed as a sentence or two (e.g., "We offer great customer service."). The goal of this exercise is to understand what makes your product or service different than other similar offerings out there on Shopify. You need to define what makes yours unique and how it will benefit customers who purchase from you over another provider in your category or industry. If possible, try separating out the features (what) from benefits (why) so that you can get into more detail about each part of what makes up this unique offering.

2. Quiz your customers

  • Ask your customers questions.
  • Ask them what they think about your product or service, and if there's anything you could do to make it more useful for them.
  • Ask them what they think about the competition, and how they would compare your offering to theirs.
  • Ask customers how they would like to be contacted in the future, whether by email or phone call (or both).

3. Connect to an Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing is an important part of your Shopify store. It's the most direct way to connect with customers and turn them into repeat buyers, as well as keep them engaged in what you have going on at all times. If you're not already doing email marketing, here are some things you should know:

  • Email platforms like MailChimp or Constant Contact can help you get started with building out an email strategy and creating automated campaigns that send out offers based on customer behavior, like cart abandonment emails. These platforms also allow you to see how much revenue each campaign has generated so that when it comes time for optimization (or if one campaign isn't working), then they'll be able to show which ones are bringing in revenue and which ones aren't worth maintaining anymore.
  • Having a good strategy means knowing who exactly needs what information at what time; otherwise, all of those emails will end up in people's spam folders! For example: sending someone who has just made their first purchase an invitation for them to join the VIP Club might seem like a good idea until everyone else gets one too...and then suddenly all those VIP memberships start piling up because no one wants any more invitations from us again!

4. Focus on Customer Retention

It's important to focus on customer retention, as well as new customer acquisition.

The retention rate is the percentage of customers who return to your store after a purchase. It's an indicator of business growth and customer loyalty.

5. Use a Cross-Selling Strategy

Cross-selling is a strategy that involves offering related products to customers who have already purchased one item. It's an effective way to increase your sales and customer loyalty at the same time.

Here are some tips on how you can use cross-selling in Shopify:

  • Offer relevant products that customers would be interested in buying after they've already bought something else from you. You can do this by adding related products as upsells or downsells on product pages or landing pages, or even within emails sent out after purchasing an item from your store.
  • Create bundles of items together so users buy more than one thing at once instead of just one item at a time (if possible). This gives people more value for their money which increases conversions overall because more people will buy multiple products instead of just one!
  • Let customers know about any special deals available only through email newsletters before they checkout so everyone benefits from better deals & lower prices!

6. Use Ecommerce SEO by Writing the Best Product Descriptions and good content

  • Use Ecommerce SEO by Writing the Best Product Descriptions and good content

You can use Ecommerce SEO to help your Shopify store rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). A good description will help people find what they're looking for on a website, but it also allows Google to identify that your product is relevant to the searcher's query.

Here are some tips for writing an effective product description:

7. Always Offer an Upsale and cross-sell both in-cart and post-purchase

You can also offer an upsell during checkout.

  • Offer an in-cart cross-sell that encourages customers to add another product to their cart. This works well for people who are about to check out or have just added something and want more items from your store. You can use this as a way to increase average order value (AOV), but it may also lead some people away from purchasing because they don't want more than one product at once or don't want to spend more money on shipping costs if there are multiple items in the cart.
  • Offer an upsell after checkout: If someone already bought something from your store, send them an email with suggestions on other products they might be interested in buying based on what they purchased before--this is called post-purchase marketing automation because it happens automatically after someone buys something from you instead of requiring any action by them first (like clicking through).

8. Share customer reviews

Customer reviews are a great way to increase sales. Customers trust the opinions of other customers, and that's why customer reviews are so important for SEO. They also help you improve your website, which can lead to more sales in the long run.

If you want more sales, then it makes sense for you to encourage people on social media or elsewhere in public forums about how great your products are by sharing customer feedback with them. You could also use this information as part of an email campaign where people who have bought from you before get sent a special offer or discount code as thanks for their loyalty, based on what they said about their experience when leaving feedback on product pages or checkout forms on Shopify stores (this feature isn't available yet but will be soon).

9. Answer questions via optimized blog content

One of the best ways to increase sales is by answering questions in your blog content.

It's not enough to just write a blog post and hope that people find it; you need to optimize your content so that it ranks higher in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! The best way to do this is by using keywords that people are searching for when they have problems or questions related to your product or service. For example: if someone wants advice on how they should set up their Shopify store (like this one), then we can use SEMrush or Ahrefs (both tools) and find out what terms those people are using when looking for help with setting up their Shopify stores. This will give us some ideas about what topics we should include in our next post(s).

10. Run abandoned cart email campaigns

Abandoned cart campaigns are an important part of your email marketing strategy. They help you retain customers who have started the checkout process, but for some reason didn't complete it. You can send them a discount code or offer to get them back on track with their purchase.

The best way to do this is through an automated system like MailChimp or ActiveCampaign, which will keep track of all your abandoned carts and allow you to send out automated emails based on their behavior (like when they abandoned their cart).

11. Add trust signals to your online store

Trust signals are visual elements that help your customers feel confident in their decision to buy from you. They can take the form of a trust seal, security badge or other visual element, as well as reviews and social proof (e.g., testimonials). Trust signals are especially important if you're selling a high-value product that requires customers to part with their hard-earned cash; buyers need reassurance that they're making a good choice before they hand over their money.

12. Improve website navigation

  • Use breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are a simple way to help customers navigate your site, especially if you have a lot of products. It shows them exactly where they are in the buying process and leads them back up the page when necessary.
  • Use sitemap functionality (if available). If not, create one manually by adding links from each page on your site that leads directly to another page or category within Shopify's navigation options tab under "pages" or "categories". This allows users who don't know how to use search engines find what they're looking for faster than just trying random keywords until something pops up!

13. Speed up the checkout process

The checkout process is one of the most important parts of your ecommerce store. It's where customers decide whether or not they want to make a purchase, so it's essential that you make it as easy and fast as possible. Here are some things you can do:

  • Use a checkout process that is quick, simple and easy to understand. Don't ask for unnecessary information or have too many steps in your checkout flow--it should take no longer than 3 clicks (one for each step) before the customer has placed their order!
  • Use a single-page checkout process instead of multiple pages because this will help speed up the overall process by removing unnecessary steps from each page (e.g., having an additional "Update Address" button). This also makes things easier on customers who don't know how many items they've added yet because all information will be shown at once instead of being spread out across multiple pages with different amounts per page depending on how many products were added during checkout time frame..

14. Accept alternative payment methods

By accepting alternative payment methods, you can increase your sales by up to 20%.

Accepting alternative payments is easy and inexpensive. There are many different types of alternative payment methods available:

  • Paypal - PayPal is one of the most popular online payment processors. It's free for merchants with less than $3,000 in annual sales; after that point, there's a fee per transaction (1.9% + 30 cents).
  • Stripe - This is another popular option for businesses looking for a simple way to accept credit card payments online or via mobile app. The service charges 2% plus 30 cents per transaction--but it does offer free support options for smaller businesses starting out with just one employee!

15. Provide excellent customer service and offer a customer loyalty program

  • Provide excellent customer service.
  • Offer a customer loyalty program.
  • Make sure you have a good return policy and refund policy in place, so that customers know they can trust you not to take advantage of them if something goes wrong with their order or item(s).
  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate, fast and responsive (if it's not already), so that potential buyers don't get frustrated trying out different things on the site before buying anything from you!


We hope this article has given you some inspiration for increasing sales on your Shopify store. We know that it can be a daunting task, but the most important thing is to keep trying and keep learning from your mistakes. As long as you keep that mindset, there's no limit on how much money (or fun) you can make!